I have been trying to render FreeType2 fonts in OpenGL 3. I used NeHe's tutorial http://nehe.gamedev.net/tutorial/freetype_fonts_in_opengl/24001/ . however, I modified it a little for modern OpenGL 3+. Actually, I use glBufferData(...,GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW) to update vertex buffer for every character. The arrays of vertices are created during glyph loading as NeHe does with display lists:
int width = next_p2(bitmap.width);
int height = next_p2(bitmap.rows);
float x=(float)bitmap.width / (float)width,
y= (float)bitmap.rows / (float)height;
using namespace glm;
glyphsVertices[c] = new pxgVertex2dT[4];
glyphsVertices[c][0] = { vec2(0,bitmap.rows), vec2(0,y) };
glyphsVertices[c][1] = { vec2(0,0), vec2(0,0) };
glyphsVertices[c][2] = { vec2(bitmap.width,0), vec2(x,0) };
glyphsVertices[c][3] = { vec2(bitmap.width,bitmap.rows), vec2(x,y) };
Where glyphVertices is two-dimentional array of such structure:
struct Vertex2dT
glm::vec2 pos;
glm::vec2 texCoord;
Unfortunately, I get the following result:
So, what am I doing wrong?
As SAKrisT correctly pointed out, the problem was caused by incorrect offset by Y axis. Playing a bit with the code, I figured out the solution:
if(FT_Load_Char(face, c, FT_LOAD_RENDER))
FT_GlyphSlot g = face->glyph;
int width = next_p2(g->bitmap.width);
int height = next_p2(g->bitmap.rows);
float x=(float)g->bitmap.width / (float)width,
y= (float)g->bitmap.rows / (float)height;
float x2 = g->bitmap_left;
float y2 = g->bitmap_top;
float w = g->bitmap.width;
float h = g->bitmap.rows;
using namespace glm;
glyphsVertices[c] = new pxgVertex2dT[4];
glyphsVertices[c][0] = { vec2(0,h-y2), vec2(0,y) };
glyphsVertices[c][1] = { vec2(0,-y2), vec2(0,0) };
glyphsVertices[c][2] = { vec2(w,-y2), vec2(x,0) };
glyphsVertices[c][3] = { vec2(w,h-y2), vec2(x,y) };
Now it works perfectly!