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joyGetPosEx returns 165 in C#

I tried to read out the data from my JoyStick in C# which is working fine as long as i do it with jeyGetPos. But I need to use joyGetPosEx because it delivers more date like the rotation of the Joystick which I need.

class JoyStick
    JOYINFO pji;
    JOYINFOEX pjiex;
    MMRESULT mmresult;

    public JoyStick()
        pji = new JOYINFO();
        pjiex = new JOYINFOEX();

    public struct JOYINFO
        public uint wYpos;
        public uint wZpos;
        public uint wButtons;

    public struct JOYINFOEX
        public uint dwSize;
        public uint dwFlags;
        public uint dwXpos;
        public uint dwYpos;
        public uint dwZpos;
        public uint dwRpos;
        public uint dwUpos;
        public uint dwVpos;
        public uint dwButtons;
        public uint dwButtonNumber;
        public uint dwPOV;
        public uint dwReserved1;
        public uint dwReserved2;

    public struct MMRESULT
        public uint uJoyID;

    public static extern uint joyGetNumDevs();
    public static extern MMRESULT joyGetPos(uint uJoyID, ref JOYINFO pji);
    [DllImport("winmm.dll"), System.Security.SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
    public static extern MMRESULT joyGetPosEx(uint uJoyID, ref JOYINFOEX pjiex);

    public uint getNumDevs()
        return joyGetNumDevs();

    private MMRESULT getPos(uint uJoyID, ref JOYINFO pji)

        return joyGetPos(uJoyID, ref pji);

    private MMRESULT getPosEx(uint uJoyID,  ref JOYINFOEX pjiex)
        return joyGetPosEx(uJoyID, ref pjiex);

    public JOYINFO getPos(uint id)
        mmresult = getPos(id, ref pji);
        return pji;

    public JOYINFOEX getPosEx(uint id)
        mmresult = getPosEx(id, ref pjiex);
        return pjiex;

    public uint getMMRESULT(){
        return mmresult.uJoyID;

The MMRESULT.uJoyID is 165 as long as I try to read the data with joyGetPosEx but it is 0 with joyGetPos. I believe 165 means the ID is wrong but I tried with every valid ID from 0 to 15.

Where is my mistake?


    1. No need to declare MMRESULT structure, just use uint/int as function returned value, or use enum
    2. You have to fill dwSize field.

      pjiex.dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(pjiex);