I am developing a platform game in libgdx. I use The AssetManager class to load all my assets to the game. So, My question is: Do I need to dispose my textures and atlases even when I am unloading them with the assets manager?
This is how I load them:
game.manager.setLoader(TiledMap.class,new TmxMapLoader(new InternalFileHandleResolver()));
This is how I unload them:
This is how I recieve, for example the backgrounds from the assats manager class:
background = game.manager.get("img/background2.png");
continBackground = game.manager.get("img/background2up.png");
Do I need to attach this to the dispose method?: background.dispose(); continBackground.dispose();
Sorry for my poor english.
You do not need to call dispose, calling unload is correct.
See here: https://code.google.com/p/libgdx/wiki/AssetManager
It says specificaly "Assets managed via the AssetManager shouldn't be disposed manually, instead call AssetManager#unload()!"