I created the following class in order to have an easy way to display formatted text in a WPF document.
However this solution returns a FlowDocument, and I am having trouble integrating this FlowDocument in my current application in which I was simply adding TextBlocks to StackPanels and WrapPanels and Borders, etc.
How can I add the FlowDocument objects that I create to my existing StackPanels, Borders, and WrapPanels?
alt text http://www.deviantsart.com/upload/11jt33i.png
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Controls;
namespace TestFlow23993
public partial class Window1 : Window
public Window1()
StackPanel sp = new StackPanel();
Border bd = new Border();
FlowDocument fd = FlowDocumentParser.GetFlowDocument("You want to {i:always}
use this library so it is both {b:easy} and {b:straight-forward} to
format documents. Here are some examples of {b:camel-case} strings:
{ex:firstName}, {ex:lastName}, {ex:title}, and {ex:allowUserToFilterRows}.");
sp.Children.Add(fd); //error
bd.Child = fd; //error
public class FlowDocumentParser
private string markedUpText;
private List<string> parts;
private FlowDocument doc;
public int FontSize { get; set; }
public string FontFamily { get; set; }
public TextAlignment TextAlignment { get; set; }
public FlowDocumentParser(string markedUpText)
this.markedUpText = markedUpText;
parts = markedUpText.Split(new char[] { '{', '}' }).ToList();
void SetDefaults()
FontSize = 12;
FontFamily = "Arial";
TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left;
public void BuildFlowDocument()
doc = new FlowDocument();
Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph();
paragraph.TextAlignment = TextAlignment;
foreach (var part in parts)
if (part.StartsWith("i:"))
string text = part.ChopLeft("i:");
Run run = AddPart(paragraph, text);
run.FontStyle = FontStyles.Italic;
else if (part.StartsWith("b:"))
string text = part.ChopLeft("b:");
Run run = AddPart(paragraph, text);
run.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;
else if (part.StartsWith("ex:"))
string text = part.ChopLeft("ex:");
Run run = AddPart(paragraph, text);
run.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;
run.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Brown);
Run run = AddPart(paragraph, part);
Run AddPart(Paragraph paragraph, string text)
Run run = new Run(text);
run.FontSize = FontSize;
run.FontFamily = new FontFamily(FontFamily);
return run;
public FlowDocument GetBuiltFlowDocument()
return doc;
public static FlowDocument GetFlowDocument(string markedUpText)
FlowDocumentParser fdp = new FlowDocumentParser(markedUpText);
return fdp.GetBuiltFlowDocument();
public static class StringHelpers
public static string ChopLeft(this string line, string removeThis)
int removeThisLength = removeThis.Length;
if (line.Length >= removeThisLength)
if (line.StartsWith(removeThis))
return line.Substring(removeThisLength, line.Length - removeThisLength);
return line;
return line;
If you wrap your FlowDocument inside a FlowDocumentReader then you can add it to the panel or border:
StackPanel sp = new StackPanel();
Border bd = new Border();
FlowDocument fd = FlowDocumentParser.GetFlowDocument("You want to {i:always} use this library so it is both {b:easy} and {b:straight-forward} to format documents. Here are some examples of {b:camel-case} strings: {ex:firstName}, {ex:lastName}, {ex:title}, and {ex:allowUserToFilterRows}.");
FlowDocumentReader fdr = new FlowDocumentReader();
fdr.Document = fd;
bd.Child = fdr;