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Including node-neat + other files in node-sass grunt task

I'm using grunt-sass and have been running into trouble using node-neat when adding additional include paths. When running...

  options: {
    includePaths: require('node-neat').includePaths

The sass task runs fine.

Though when I add another include file.

  options: {

I get an error file to import not found or unreadable: "bourbon". So I added node-bourbon even though I think that is loaded by node-neat.

  options: {

I now get an error saying that file to import not found or unreadable: "neat". I'm new to all of this and a little lost. Thanks!


  • node-neat's includePaths property returns an array with both Bourbon and Neat's paths since Bourbon will be required. I would just concat the array like this:

    options: {
      includePaths: require('node-neat').includePaths.concat('/assets/bower_components/_normalize.scss')