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My Underscore template does not load / display all the model data, but does have access to it?


I got it to work, for a fix I did just change my var name, but now I JSON encode it and it all seems to work fine.




This sort of works now thanks to your post, but like I say in my comment I can only output my data when I console.log my data?

So this works,

   <script type="text/template" id="Template"> 
        <% _.each(MyXX, function(MyXX) { %>
           <%= console.log(MyXX.get('title')) %>
           <%= console.log(MyXX.get('path')) %>
           <%= console.log(MyXX.get('level')) %>
        <% }); %>

But when I do this,

   <script type="text/template" id="Template"> 
        <% _.each(MyXX, function(MyXX) { %>
          <div> <%= MyXX.get('title') %> </div>
          <div> <%= MyXX.get('path') %> </div>
          <div> <%= MyXX.get('level') %></div>
        <% }); %>

Nothing is displayed in my with the class on it from my BB code.


I have a backbone setup with PHP Slim, I have ask a number of questions at each stage of this, and now have more or less most of it working.

But my underscore template is not doing something right. I can access the 1st 'result' but anything deeper than that is comes back as undefined?

this is my template file,

  <script type="text/template" id="Template"> 
      <% _.each(MyCol, function(MyBB) { %>

      <%= console.log( %>
      <%= console.log(MyCol.level) %>

      <% }); %>


So this outputs the id form the model fine, but 'level' or anything else is just coming back as undefined? When I just output console.log(MyCol) all the models are displayed fine, selecting the attributes tag of the model, show all the data is being passed into my template, so where am I going wrong?

This is the BackBone view setup to load into the template,

var MyView = Backbone.View.extend({

  el: '.page',
  render: function() {
      var that = this;
      var MyCol = new CollectionSetOne();

        success: function(MyCol) {
            var temp = _.template( $('#MenuTemplate').html(), {MyCol: MyCol.models} );
            //return this;


So where am I going wrong?

Most of this comes from the Backbone.js Tutorial on YouTube,

All help most welcome,



  • You have a couple problems here. The first is that you're referring to MyCol (the array of models you're iterating over) where you should be referring to MyBB (the specific model):

    <script type="text/template" id="Template"> 
        <% _.each(MyCol, function(MyBB) { %>
            Use MyBB in here, not MyCol...
        <% }); %>

    The next problem is that Backbone model attributes are the the same thing as JavaScript object properties. You refer to properties as:

    but attributes are stored in model.attributes and are accessed using get:


    The id attribute is also stored in the the id property so will work.

    Your template should look more like this:

    <script type="text/template" id="Template"> 
        <% _.each(MyCol, function(MyBB) { %>
            <% console.log( %>
            <% console.log(MyBB.get('level')) %>
        <% }); %>

    The usual convention (and possibly the source of your confusion) is to call toJSON to serialize the collection for the view:

    var tmpl = _.template($('#MenuTemplate').html());
    var html = tmpl({ MyCol: MyCol.toJSON() });

    Then MyCol in your template would be a simple array of objects and you could say:

    <% console.log( %>
    <% console.log(MyBB.level) %>