I got it to work, for a fix I did just change my var name, but now I JSON encode it and it all seems to work fine.
This sort of works now thanks to your post, but like I say in my comment I can only output my data when I console.log my data?
So this works,
<script type="text/template" id="Template">
<% _.each(MyXX, function(MyXX) { %>
<%= console.log(MyXX.get('title')) %>
<%= console.log(MyXX.get('path')) %>
<%= console.log(MyXX.get('level')) %>
<% }); %>
But when I do this,
<script type="text/template" id="Template">
<% _.each(MyXX, function(MyXX) { %>
<div> <%= MyXX.get('title') %> </div>
<div> <%= MyXX.get('path') %> </div>
<div> <%= MyXX.get('level') %></div>
<% }); %>
Nothing is displayed in my with the class on it from my BB code.
I have a backbone setup with PHP Slim, I have ask a number of questions at each stage of this, and now have more or less most of it working.
But my underscore template is not doing something right. I can access the 1st 'result' but anything deeper than that is comes back as undefined?
this is my template file,
<script type="text/template" id="Template">
<% _.each(MyCol, function(MyBB) { %>
<%= console.log(MyCol.id) %>
<%= console.log(MyCol.level) %>
<% }); %>
So this outputs the id form the model fine, but 'level' or anything else is just coming back as undefined? When I just output console.log(MyCol)
all the models are displayed fine, selecting the attributes tag of the model, show all the data is being passed into my template, so where am I going wrong?
This is the BackBone view setup to load into the template,
var MyView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '.page',
render: function() {
var that = this;
var MyCol = new CollectionSetOne();
success: function(MyCol) {
var temp = _.template( $('#MenuTemplate').html(), {MyCol: MyCol.models} );
//return this;
So where am I going wrong?
Most of this comes from the Backbone.js Tutorial on YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZSjvWtUxYk
All help most welcome,
You have a couple problems here. The first is that you're referring to MyCol
(the array of models you're iterating over) where you should be referring to MyBB
(the specific model):
<script type="text/template" id="Template">
<% _.each(MyCol, function(MyBB) { %>
Use MyBB in here, not MyCol...
<% }); %>
The next problem is that Backbone model attributes are the the same thing as JavaScript object properties. You refer to properties as:
but attributes are stored in model.attributes
and are accessed using get
The id
attribute is also stored in the the id
property so model.id
will work.
Your template should look more like this:
<script type="text/template" id="Template">
<% _.each(MyCol, function(MyBB) { %>
<% console.log(MyBB.id) %>
<% console.log(MyBB.get('level')) %>
<% }); %>
The usual convention (and possibly the source of your confusion) is to call toJSON
to serialize the collection for the view:
var tmpl = _.template($('#MenuTemplate').html());
var html = tmpl({ MyCol: MyCol.toJSON() });
Then MyCol
in your template would be a simple array of objects and you could say:
<% console.log(MyBB.id) %>
<% console.log(MyBB.level) %>