I have the following linq query in which I am trying to get records from database for a particular id. Then I go through the records and try to find the one in which a bit in one byte is set. But I am getting the error that 'Operator & cannot be applied to byte or bool':
Byte firstPacketMask = Convert.ToByte("00001000", 2);
using (aContext _db = new aContext())
var query = (from data in _db.Datas
where data.id == id
orderby data.ServerTime descending //put the last cycle on top of list
select data).ToList();
var mid = query.Where(x => x.Data[0] & firstPacketMask == 16)
Here Data is a byte array. The first byte of Data has bit fields. I am trying to check if bit 4 is set then I choose that packet.
has lower precedence than ==
, so the compiler parses your expression as x.Data[0] & (firstPacketMask == 16)
Add parentheses to clarify the precedence:
(x.Data[0] & firstPacketMask) == 16
NOTE: It looks like firstPacketMask
equals 8, so ANDing it with x.Data[0]
will yield 0 or 8, never 16. Perhaps you meant to write
Byte firstPacketMask = Convert.ToByte("00010000", 2); // bit 4 is set
or maybe just
(x.Data[0] & 16) == 16