In my Tile class, I assign sprites
to each tile using TextureAtlas's createSprite()
. Now from my screenLauncher class , I want to change the Tile's sprite i.e. image when I click on the tile.How can I achieve this? Tile class makes use of TweenEngine for animation of the tiles.
My Tile Class :
public class Tile {
private final float x, y;
public String title;
Sprite sprite;
private final Sprite interactiveIcon;
private final Sprite veil;
private final OrthographicCamera camera;
private final BitmapFont font;
private final TweenManager tweenManager;
private final MutableFloat textOpacity = new MutableFloat(1);
public Tile(float x, float y, float w, float h, String title, String spriteName, TextureAtlas atlas, TextureAtlas launcherAtlas, OrthographicCamera camera, BitmapFont font, TweenManager tweenManager) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.title = title; = camera;
this.font = font;
this.tweenManager = tweenManager;
this.sprite = launcherAtlas.createSprite(spriteName);
this.interactiveIcon = atlas.createSprite("interactive");
this.veil = atlas.createSprite("white");
sprite.setSize(w, h);
sprite.setOrigin(w/2, h/2);
sprite.setPosition(x + camera.viewportWidth, y);
interactiveIcon.setSize(w/10, w/10 * interactiveIcon.getHeight() / interactiveIcon.getWidth());
interactiveIcon.setPosition(x+w - interactiveIcon.getWidth() - w/50, y+h - interactiveIcon.getHeight() - w/50);
interactiveIcon.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0);
veil.setSize(w, h);
veil.setOrigin(w/2, h/2);
veil.setPosition(x, y);
veil.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0);
public void draw(SpriteBatch batch) {
float wrapW = (sprite.getWidth() - sprite.getWidth()/10) * / camera.viewportWidth;
font.setColor(1, 1, 1, textOpacity.floatValue());
font.drawWrapped(batch, title,
sprite.getX() + sprite.getWidth()/20,
sprite.getY() + sprite.getHeight()*19/20,
if (veil.getColor().a > 0.1f) veil.draw(batch);
public void enter(float delay) {
.push(, SpriteAccessor.POS_XY, 0.7f).target(x, y).ease(Cubic.INOUT))
.push(, SpriteAccessor.OPACITY, 0.4f).target(1))
public boolean isOver(float x, float y) {
return sprite.getX() <= x && x <= sprite.getX() + sprite.getWidth()
&& sprite.getY() <= y && y <= sprite.getY() + sprite.getHeight();
public String getTitle()
return this.title;
I want to know if it is possible in LibGdx using universal tween engine to change Sprites dynamically.
It would be much easier for you if you make your tiles extend Actor
and add them to Stage
in stead of calling draw()
s to them. When the Tile
is clicked, you can change the value of Sprite
member and reload it.You can even refer to How to detect when an actor is touched in libgdx?
Good luck.