I'm trying to concatenate a 'common' library javascripts, and exlude those common files when concatenating individual apps.
(Idea presented here: http://tech.pro/blog/1639/using-rjs-to-optimize-your-requirejs-project)
I have an html
file which has
require("common"), function() {
require(["some_app"], function(SomeApp) {
depends on some library files
define(['jquery', 'backbone'], function($, Backbone) {
return SomeApp;
include library files
define(['jquery', 'backbone'], function() {});
my build.js
for r.js optimizer looks like
name: "SomeApp"
exclude: ['common'] // intent: do not include common library files
When I run the optimizer, 'common' is indeed excluded from the concatenated SomeApp.js!
The result is exactly what I want, but I'm perplexed because r.js seems to inspect the html which requires javascript files.
Is it true? What's going on here?
The result is exactly what I want, but I'm perplexed because r.js seems to inspect the html which requires javascript files.
does not inspect HTML files. The result you describe getting is consistent with r.js
operating purely on the JavaScript files and the build configuration you describe in your question.