I try to configure the path of the osgi instance and configuration folders in order to start my Eclipse RCP application. To do that I configure the following within the tag in the jnlp file:
<!-- Information usually specified in the config.ini -->
<property name="osgi.instance.area" value="@java.io.tmpdir"/>
<property name="osgi.configuration.area" value="@java.io.tmpdir"/>
Unfortunately "java.io.tmpdir" is interpreted as a literal and not as an environment variable. Configuring the path to user.home works fine, but thats not what I want as my user home is located on a network device and my %TEMP% is located on my local drive c:
In any examples I found the configuration is as the following using user.home:
<!-- Information usually specified in the config.ini -->
<property name="osgi.instance.area" value="@user.home/Application Data/demo"/>
<property name="osgi.configuration.area"
value="@user.home/Application Data/demo"/>
I tried it with JDK 1.6.0_27 and 1.6.0_37 on Windows Vista.
I will be thankful for any help as I´m stuck on this issue for a while now.
A little late, but I still want to post my solution:
I worte a custom Launcher class and configured it in my JNLP file (< application-desc main-class="de.my.package.launcher.Launcher">). In my Launcher class, I set the desired variables and afterwards I call the main method of the Equinox Launcher. I know that´s not a very charming solution, but at least it works ;-)