I know I can use
MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, "displayArea"]);
to process. But I don't know how to get the output HTML (I want to save the output in a variable in Javascript).
Moreover, I want this HTML is independent to MathJax's stylesheets. By independent, I mean like HTML output of stackedit.io. The output of stackedit is self-containt. It don't need any other CSS or JS.
Please give me some help on this problem. Thanks.
Output of Stackedit is not exactly self-contained. It says "Make sure you include MathJax into your publications to render mathematical expression correctly."
<script type="math/tex" ...
tags with original math and re-renders).See MathJax Output Formats about portability.
Unfortunately there is no single solution that works well in all browsers. I think your best bet is SVG output (IE9+; size relative to text may be off).
) it does some less trivial stuff to produce a self-contained SVG; same would be needed if doing it client-side.I also wonder if HTML-CSS output can become more portable on a page using a thorough CSS reset. I haven't read anybody investigating it — though I guess if it were that easy, the MathJax devs would have done it long ago...
Another deal-breaker with HTML-CSS is fonts. If you really can't load external resources, you must embed them as base64 data: URLs. The full fonts are too heavy, so you'll want to subset fonts on the fly — scary... (With SVG output embedding glyphs is much easier, as I linked above svgtex does it in 25 lines and gives you a single SVG image.)