I'm trying to use HTML5 Web Speech API's Speech Recognition.
I can't figure out why this code is not working. It is triggering the permission for requesting access to the microphone, but when I speak nothing is transcribed.
When I look in the console, there are no errors, but the console.log that happens when the speech recognition is stopped is triggered.
I think it is stopping prematurely.
Does anyone know what is going on and why it is not working?
Here is the JS:
It depends on webspeech.js, which is included in the jsfiddle.
Here is the JS Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/2sMXZ/3/
Here is the implementation code:
var reco = new WebSpeechRecognition;
var interim_transcript = '';
reco.recognition.onresult = function(event){
for(var i = event.resultIndex; i<event.results.length; ++i){
if(event.results[i].isFinal) reco.stop();
else interim_transcript += event.results[i][0].transcript;
reco.recognition.onend = function(e){
First, $('#interim_span').html(interim_transcript) is called every interim results are emitted.
Second, when event.results[i].isFinal is true, it has a result as well.
var reco = new WebSpeechRecognition;
var interim_transcript = '';
reco.recognition.onresult = function(event){
for(var i = event.resultIndex; i<event.results.length; ++i){
if(event.results[i].isFinal) reco.stop();
interim_transcript += event.results[i][0].transcript;
reco.recognition.onend = function(e){