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Defining an ID for html element in Emberjs/handlebars fails

I have following issue here:

<ul class="aClass">
  {{#if something}}
  <li>{{#link-to "blub" bind-attr data-testid=aID}}{{loc "blub"}}{{/link-to}}</li>

so i want to have an element(the link-to is rendered to <a href="">...</a>) in the resulting element with the id aId. But the element does not contain the wanted id in the rendered HTML. something like this:

<a href="" data-testid="aID">...</a>

any ideas?


  • In Ember, bind-attr shouldn't be used inside of your link-to help as that should only be used inside of html elements:

    <a {{bind-attr href=myLink}}>My Link</a>

    Inside of Handlebars helpers, you just define the property directly.

    {{#link-to "blub" data-testID="aID"}}{{loc "blub"}}{{/link-to}}

    The attribute is not rendered into the HTML if the quotes are missing.

    But you also need to reopen the LinkView:

        attributeBindings: ['data-testID']

    See similar question here.

    And the Ember docs here.