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Make user defined language in Notepad++ work regardless of theme

I have imported a Less style that a developer had recommended on this website, but there is a slight problem - it is made for specific themes only.

Without editing any XML files, is there any way to get this language file working regardless of theming? Like the built-in languages.


  • Language file working regardless of the theme – as far as I know the answer is no. Also check here.

    If you do not want to edit XML files, you can still change colors by selecting Define your language... item in menu Language and change the colors of syntax categories using color pickers.

    Adding your language into list of built-in languages is not easily possible unless you wish to play with N++ sources. You are supposed to use user-defined languages for standard tasks. However you can:

    • disable all unnecessarly languages in Language menu section in Preferences window and uncheck the Make language menu compact so you will get flat list of languages in menu.

    • access your language menu item faster by pressing Alt+L, then 2×Up and Enter