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@Import of less files into a limited scope

I want to import all styles from another less file, but into a limited scope. I'm trying this:


.wrapper-class {
    @import "path/to/styles.less";

But this doesn't work at all. I'm using the browser-based less.js option, and I can see the GET statement that is run when it actually does the import. But the resultant CSS does not contain any of the styles from the other sheet. If I do it like this, it works:

    /* ... */
@import "path/to/styles.less";

But this defeats the original purpose. So is there any way to do a limited-scope @import like this in Less? Thanks!


  • According to the css-spec, the @import-declaration has to come before all other declarations in the css-file. So your @import inside the rule is expected to fail. I guess the @importing at the end of the file not failing is goodwill of the browser-vendors.

    I guess LESS will abide by the same rules.

    EDIT: the question is, why do you want to have those styles scoped? With proper declarations, this should not be necessary.