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Struts 1.2 - Display and Update ArrayList Item

I want to iterate ArrayList element and Update the list element then save it.

My Form Bean: - it have two members id and ArrayList.
 String id;
 ArrayList<Book> listBook; 

getters and setters of id property getters and setters of ArrayList

 public void setListBook(ArrayList<Book> bookList)
  this.listBook = bookList;

 public ArrayList<Book> getListBook()
   return this.listBook;
 } have two members
 String bookId;
 String bookName;

Action class -

In this, i have get the data and save into database.

my jsp page for iterating :

<nested:nest property='myTestCodeForm'>
<html:form action='/myTestCodeForm'>

<nested:write name='' property='id'/>
<html:hidden name='' property='id'/>
<nested:iterate id='foo' name='' property='bookList'>

  <html:text name='foo' property='bookName' indexd='true'/>

<html:submit value='submit'/>



my question is, i iterate the data successfully but when i get the data into action class i didn't receive array list data but i received id attribute.

Please help


  • I got the solution, something i missed in FormBean class. Before I used in FormBean Class, one getter for getting ArrayList element and one setter for setting ArrayList element but i didn't create getter and setter for Book class, after creating getter and setter for Book class then i got the values in Action class. Now, My Form Bean look like this:

     public void setListBook(ArrayList<Book> bookList)
      this.listBook = bookList;
     public ArrayList<Book> getListBook()
       return this.listBook;
     public Book getBook(int index)
      if(index >= index)
        this.listBook.add(new Book());
      return (Book)this.listBook.get(index);
     public Book setBook(int index, Book book)
      return this.listBook.set(index, book);