I'm using Bundler for a Rails app deployed by Capistrano. I'm trying to add the DelayedJob gem, but the bin/delayed_job file is missing from the remote server after I do a deploy. It exists on my local machine.
I tried manually creating it with bundle binstubs delayed_job
but it fails with: There are no executables for the gem delayed_job.
What am I missing here?
The gems in question are: Bundler 1.3.5, Capistrano 3.1.0, DelayedJob 4.0.0, Rails 4.0.2
EDIT: Here is my full Gemfile: http://pastebin.com/WuE3eJrj
I think you need to include the gem "daemons"
, according to the documentation:
To do so, add gem "daemons" to your Gemfile and make sure you've run rails generate delayed_job.