I just ran into the problem. The problem is, that I have a string and I must find the longest consecutive substring in string (so if I have aaaccaaaaaggt it will print "A: 5" without quotation marks)and if there are any, print it where and how long they are. My approach was that I go from the longest possible cnsecutive string length and memset it to acgt (one of them, because it is sorta DNA sequence). the problem is, when I ran the function and it printed me the memsetted string there was something like:
but honestly, I don't know why.
unsigned int longestSubstrInSequenceO(const char *str)
int i = 0;
char *cntrlStr = (char *)malloc((strlen(str)) * sizeof(char));
char *copied = (char *)malloc((strlen(str)) * sizeof(char));
int size;
strcpy(copied, str);
copied[0] = tolower(copied[0]);
printf("%s\n", copied);
for(i; i < strlen(str); i++)
printf("%d\n", (strlen(str) - i + 1));
memset(cntrlStr, 'a', (strlen(str) - i) * sizeof(char));
printf("%s\n", cntrlStr);
if(strstr(copied, cntrlStr) != NULL)
printf("Longest sequence: %d\n", i);
memset(cntrlStr, 'c', (strlen(str) - i + 1) * sizeof(char));
printf("%s\n", cntrlStr);
if(strstr(copied, cntrlStr) != NULL)
printf("Longest sequence: %d\n", i);
memset(cntrlStr, 'g', (strlen(str) - i + 1) * sizeof(char));
printf("%s\n", cntrlStr);
if(strstr(copied, cntrlStr) != NULL)
printf("Longest sequence: %d\n", i);
memset(cntrlStr, 't', (strlen(str) - i + 1) * sizeof(char));
printf("%s\n", cntrlStr);
if(strstr(copied, cntrlStr) != NULL)
printf("Longest sequence: %d\n", i);
memset(cntrlStr, '\0', (strlen(str) - i + 1) * sizeof(char));
printf("%s\n", cntrlStr);
cntrlStr = (char *)malloc((strlen(str) - i + 1) * sizeof(char));
//memset(cntrlStr, 0, (strlen(str) - i ) * sizeof(char));
printf("search end\n");
return 0;
So guys please, if you can help me, where I went wrong I'll be very grateful. I don't ask you to write my code, just point me to the root of this problem, or tell me how would you do it (if you could do it better) :) thanks!
You have to allocate space for the null terminator as well
char *cntrlStr = (char *)malloc( (strlen(str) + 1 ) * sizeof(char) );
char *copied = (char *)malloc( (strlen(str) + 1 ) * sizeof(char) );
The same goes for every other string allocation.