i'm a little frustrated. I'm about to use a mac (OS X mavericks) for coding stuff.
My shader works fine under windows 7 and android. When i'm running my app under OS X i'm getting the following compiler errors during runtime.
Exception in thread "LWJGL Application" java.lang.IllegalStateException: ERROR: 0:6: Initializer not allowed
ERROR: 0:6: Use of undeclared identifier 'light'
ERROR: 0:6: Use of undeclared identifier 'spec'
ERROR: 0:6: Use of undeclared identifier 'spec'
ERROR: 0:6: Use of undeclared identifier 'spec'
Fragment Shader Snippet:
String fragmentShader =
"#ifdef GL_ES\n" +
"precision mediump float;\n" +
"#endif\n" +
"uniform sampler2D cubeMap;\n"+
"uniform sampler2D normalMap;"+
"varying vec2 v_TexCoords;"+
"void main() {\n"+
" const vec4 ambientColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);" +
" const vec4 diffuseColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);"+
" const vec3 light = normalize(vec3(-0.5,-0.8,-1.0));"+
" vec3 camDir = normalize(vec3(v_TexCoords,0) - vec3(0.5,0.5,10.0));"+
" vec4 normalPxl = texture2D(normalMap,v_TexCoords);" +
" vec3 normal = normalize(normalPxl.xyz - vec3(0.5,0.5,0.5));"+
" vec3 reflectDir = reflect(camDir,normal);"+
" float spec = pow(max(0.0,dot(camDir,reflect(light,normal))),4.0);"+
" gl_FragColor = vec4(texture2D(cubeMap, reflectDir.xy * 0.5+0.5).xyz,normalPxl.w-0.1)"+
I've red through OpenGL Specs and found nothing problematic with using const or declaring some variables in main.
Appreciate your Help
I'll repost my comment here so that this could be closed out, but it appears that the GLSL compiler on OS X didn't like this line:
const vec3 light = normalize(vec3(-0.5,-0.8,-1.0));
where a calculated value was being assigned to a constant. It may not optimize that out, where other compilers do. Replacing the normalization with the end vector it produces should fix this.
If you think this is a bug, I recommend filing it at http://bugreport.apple.com , because I know Apple's OpenGL driver team does pay attention to cases like this and has fixed them in the past.