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Why is my program is not finding the getSelectedIndex() method that is trying to get a selection from a JComboBox?

My program is not finding the symbol getSelectedIndex() method. I wanted to know why it was not finding it and how to fix this. Here is the Error:
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol: method getSelectedIndex()
location: variable roomChoice of type java.lang.String[]

Here is my code:

import java.awt.*;  
import java.awt.event.*;  
import javax.swing.*;  

public class CottageRental2 extends JFrame implements ItemListener{
  // Declare all instance data  (primitives and objects used) 
  private int WIDTH = 676;
  private int HEIGHT = 321; 
  Container con; 
  private JLabel label1;
  private JLabel label2;
  private JLabel label3;
  JComboBox  cbox1;
  JComboBox cbox2;
  String [ ] roomChoice = {"1 Bedroom: $600","2 Bedroom: $800","3 Bedroom: $1000"};
 String [] activityChoice = {"Horse Back Riding: $60","Rafting: $40","Row Boat Rental:       $50"};
  ImageIcon icon1 = new ImageIcon("C:\\Users\\Coding\\Desktop\\cottage.jpeg");
  Font f1 = new Font("Ariel", Font.BOLD, 30);

  public CottageRental2(){
    super("Cottage Rental"); 
    con = getContentPane(); 
    con.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); 
    setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

  public void createGUI(){
    label1 = new JLabel("Woodberry Cottage Rental", JLabel.CENTER);
    label2 = new JLabel("Rental Amount Due: ", JLabel.CENTER);
    label3 = new JLabel(icon1);
    cbox1 = new JComboBox();
    cbox2 = new JComboBox();
    con.add(label1, BorderLayout.NORTH);
    con.add(label2, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    con.add(label3, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    con.add(cbox1, BorderLayout.WEST);
    con.add(cbox2, BorderLayout.EAST);

  public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event){
    Object source = event.getSource();
    if(source == roomChoice){
      int roomIndex = roomChoice.getSelectedIndex();
      if(roomIndex == 1){
        int price1 = 600;
      if(roomIndex == 2){
        int price1 = 800;
      if(roomIndex == 3){
        int price1 = 1000;
    if(source == activityChoice){
      int activityIndex = activityChoice.getSelectedIndex();
      if(activityIndex == 1){
        int price2 = 60;
      if(activityIndex == 2){
        int price2 = 40;
      if(activityIndex == 3){
        int price2 = 50;

  public static void main(String[] args){
    CottageRental2 object = new CottageRental2(); 
    object.setSize(675, 320);


  • You are calling getSelectedIndex() on a String[] (roomChoice), but arrays don't have a method by that name. So, it is telling you it can't find that method.

    I believe you meant to do cbox1.getSelectedIndex(). The same applies for activityChoice and cbox2.