I am trying to create and update a RTC workitem by using plain Java API. I am able to set most of the attributes I need except "Found In".
I tried something like:
IAttribute FoundInAttribute = workItemClient.findAttribute(projectArea, "Found In" , null); wc.getWorkItem().setValue(FoundInAttribute, "The value I want to set");
And I got an exception saying setValue() is expecting an IDeliverableHandle object rather than String.
How can I get the IDeliverableHandle I need?
Thanks, Kane
The OP Kane Zeng reports in the comments that, out of the following solutions below, one is working:
I use:
IDeliverableHandle deliverable =
workItemClient.findDeliverableByName(projectArea, currentFoundIn,
IDeliverable.SMALL_PROFILE ,null);
and I can get what I need now
Original answer:
That thread mentions:
IDeliverableHandle deliverable= ... // Find a deliverable using one of
the IWorkItemClient#findDeliverable* methods
IAttribute foundIn= workItemClient.findAttribute(project,
IWorkItem.FOUND_IN_PROPRTY, monitor);
workItem.setValue(foundIn, deliverable);
That seems similar to this thread:
The attributes can be acquired using
IWorkItemCommon#findAttribute(IProjectAreaHandle projectArea,
String attributeId, IProgressMonitor monitor);
So for the Found In attribute, you would do the following
IAttribute foundIn= workItemClient.findAttribute(projectArea,
IWorkItem.FOUND_IN_PROPERTY, monitor);
IDeliverableHandle deliverable = (IDeliverableHandle)workItem.getValue(foundIn);
A more recent answer gives:
IAttribute foundInAttribute = myWorkItemClient.findAttribute(projectAreaHandle, "foundIn" , null);
IDeliverableHandle foundInDeliverableHandle = (IDeliverableHandle) currentWI.getValue(foundInAttribute);
if (foundInDeliverableHandle != null){
IDeliverable deliverable = (IDeliverable) this.repository.itemManager().fetchCompleteItem(foundInDeliverableHandle, IItemManager.DEFAULT, null);
(you would find a similar approach there)