after upgrading from Majorra 2.1.27 to 2.2.5 my Bean-Validation stopped working. Simple example:
<h:outputLabel for="tf_name" />
<h:inputText id="tf_name" value="#{}" />
<h:message for="tf_name" />
<br />
<h:commandButton value="save" action="#{test.cantTouchThis}"/>
The field "name" on my TestEntity is annotated with @NotNull (and i have set INTERPRET_EMPTY_STRING_SUBMITTED_VALUES_AS_NULL
to true in web.xml +org.apache.el.parser.COERCE_TO_ZERO
to false for my tomcat).
If i use Majorra 2.1.27 (i use maven btw.) everything works fine. But if i switch to 2.2.5 my Method cantTouchThis() is called, even when i leave the fields empty. I also tried with other validators, none of them seem to work. Validation is skipped completely.
any ideas?
As tipped by lu4242 this was a bug in Mojarra. The bug emerged in version 2.2.3 and is fixed with 2.2.7 (which at the time of writing this is not officially released).
See JAVASERVERFACES-3183 for more details.