Search code examples

MongoDB 2.4.8 capped collection and tailable cursor consuming all memory

We are currently exploring Capped Collections and Tailable Cursors within MongoDB to create a queueing system for notifications. However, after creating a simple LinqPad test (code below) we noticed when running, Mongo constantly allocates memory until there are no more resources available, even though we are not inserting any records. This allocation continues until all system RAM is used, at which point Mongo simply stops responding.

As we are new to Capped Collections and Tailable Cursors, I wanted to ensure we havent missed something obvious before submitting a bug.

Note: We tried the code below with journaling on and off with the same results.

  • Platform: Windows Server 2012 64bit
  • MongoDB: Version 2.4.8 64bit
  • Driver: Official C# 10gen v1.8.3.9

Linqpad script

var conn = new MongoClient("mongodb://the.server.url").GetServer().GetDatabase("TestDB");

if(!conn.CollectionExists("Queue")) {

    conn.CreateCollection("Queue", CollectionOptions

    //Insert an empty document as without this 'cursor.IsDead' is always true
    var coll = conn.GetCollection("Queue");
        new BsonDocument(new Dictionary<string, object> {
            { "PROCESSED", true },
        }), WriteConcern.Unacknowledged

var coll = conn.GetCollection("Queue");
var query = coll.Find(Query.EQ("PROCESSED", false))
    .SetFlags(QueryFlags.AwaitData | QueryFlags.NoCursorTimeout | QueryFlags.TailableCursor);

var cursor = new MongoCursorEnumerator<BsonDocument>(query);

while(true) {
    if(cursor.MoveNext()) {
            "{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} - {1}",

            Query.EQ("_id", cursor.Current["_id"]),
            Update.Set("PROCESSED", true),
    } else if(cursor.IsDead) {


  • It seems I found the solution to the problem!!

    The issue in the above code revolves around the query:

    Query.EQ("PROCESSED", false)

    When I removed this and replaced it with a query based on the id of the document, the memory consumption problem disappeared. On further reflection, this "PROCESSED" property really isnt required in the query as cursor.MoveNext() will always return the next new document (if there is one). Heres the refactored LinqPad script based on the above code....

    var conn = new MongoClient("mongodb://the.server.url").GetServer().GetDatabase("TestDB");
    if(conn.CollectionExists("Queue")) {
    conn.CreateCollection("Queue", CollectionOptions
    //Insert an empty document as without this 'cursor.IsDead' is always true
    var coll = conn.GetCollection("Queue");
        new BsonDocument(new Dictionary<string, object> {
            { "PROCESSED", true },
            { "Date", DateTime.UtcNow },
            { "X", "test" }
        }), WriteConcern.Unacknowledged
    //Create query based on latest document id
    BsonValue lastId = BsonMinKey.Value;
    var query = coll.Find(Query.GT("_id", lastId))
        .SetFlags(QueryFlags.AwaitData | QueryFlags.NoCursorTimeout | QueryFlags.TailableCursor);
    var cursor = new MongoCursorEnumerator<BsonDocument>(query);
    while(true) {
        if(cursor.MoveNext()) {
                "{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} - {1}",
        } else if(cursor.IsDead) {