Sorry for the bad title. The case is I'm working on a GUI framework - it is already on android and a lot of the common elements are now being ported to web. For this I am looking to create identical functions. As an example we have 3 types of buttons in android, a normal button, verified button (just a button with default icon and text) and a cancel button. These are all different types for readability. I want to reflect this in jQueryUI as well so:
$("button").button(); // normal button
Obviously it's just a normal button(); with some set parameters, however, I can find no information as how to most easily do this. Do I need to make my own widget for this? Any tips are welcome.
An easy way to achieve this is indeed to derive your own widgets. The widget factory documentation explains how the system works.
For instance, you can write:
$.widget("dennis.verifybutton", $.ui.button, {
_create: function() {
// Customize widget creation...
_destroy: function() {
// Customize widget cleanup...
The end result will be a derived button widget that you can instantiate through $("selector").verifybutton()