I want an efficient implementation of Faulhaber's Formula
I want answer as
F(N,K) % P
where F(N,K) is implementation of faulhaber's forumula and P is a prime number.
Note: N is very large upto 10^16 and K is upto 3000
I tried the double series implementation in the given site. But its too much time consuming for very large n and k. Can any one help making this implementation more efficient or describe some other way to implement the formula.
How about using Schultz' (1980) idea, outlined below the double series implementation (mathworld.wolfram.com/PowerSum.html) that you mentioned?
From Wolfram MathWorld:
Schultz (1980) showed that the sum S_p(n)
can be found by writing
and solving the system of p+1 equations
obtained for j=0, 1, ..., p (Guo and Qi 1999), where delta (j,p)
is the Kronecker delta.
Below is an attempt in Haskell that seems to work. It returns a result for n=10^16, p=1000 in about 36 seconds on my old laptop PC.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-}
import Math.Combinatorics.Exact.Binomial
import Data.Ratio
import Data.List (foldl')
kroneckerDelta a b | a == b = 1 % 1
| otherwise = 0 % 1
g a b = ((-1)^(a - b +1) * choose a b) % 1
coefficients :: Integral a => a -> a -> [Ratio a] -> [Ratio a]
coefficients p j cs
| j < 0 = cs
| otherwise = coefficients p (j - 1) (c:cs)
c = f / g (j + 1) j
f = foldl h (kroneckerDelta j p) (zip [j + 2..p + 1] cs)
h accum (i,cf) = accum - g i j * cf
trim r = let n = numerator r
d = denominator r
l = div n d
in (mod l (10^9 + 7),(n - d * l) % d)
s n p = numerator (a % 1 + b) where
(a,b) = foldl' (\(i',r') (i,r) -> (mod (i' + i) (10^9 + 7),r' + r)) (0,0)
(zipWith (\c i -> trim (c * n^i)) (coefficients p p []) [1..p + 1])
main = print (s (10^16) 1000)