I know that I can draw a filled circle and I can draw many simple and complicated things with a Graphics. But I couldn't get it to draw a single point (not a single pixel).
I'm playing with a Paint program and the user can draw fine but not plot a dot. I can add a dummy point really close or can draw a filled cirlce but sometimes I miss the obvious.
So is there a way to draw a single point with a given Brush or Pen?
And no, of course I don't mean to draw a single Pixel. I want to use the Properties like color and width. Like a DrawLine with only one Point or with the same Point twice. But that renders nothing.
public void DrawPoint(Graphics G, Pen pen, Point point)
// add more LineCaps as needed..
int pw2 = (int ) Math.Max(1, pen.Width / 2);
using(var brush = new SolidBrush(pen.Color))
if (pen.EndCap == LineCap.Square)
G.FillRectangle(brush, point.X - pw2, point.Y - pw2, pen.Width, pen.Width);
G.FillEllipse(brush, point.X - pw2, point.Y - pw2, pen.Width, pen.Width);