I have trouble converting the following javscript call for canvasjs to clojurescript:
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", {
text: "Fruits sold in First Quarter"
data: [//array of dataSeries
{ //dataSeries object
/*** Change type "column" to "bar", "area", "line" or "pie"***/
type: "column",
dataPoints: [
{ label: "banana", y: 18 },
{ label: "orange", y: 29 },
{ label: "apple", y: 40 },
{ label: "mango", y: 34 },
{ label: "grape", y: 24 }
Can someone please point me into the right direction on how to do it or provide an example?
Best Regards, Sven
What's the problem you are encountering? It is straightforward js interop:
(def chart (js/CanvasJS.Chart. "chartContainer" (clj->js {
:title {:text "Fruits sold in First Quarter"}
:data [{:type "column"
:dataPoints [{ :label "banana" y: 18 }
{ :label "orange" y: 29 }
{ :label "apple" y: 40 }
{ :label "mango" y: 34 }
{ :label "grape" y: 24 }]}]})))
Which compiles to:
cljs.user.chart = (new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", cljs.core.clj__GT_js.call(
null, new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(null, 2, [new cljs.core.Keyword(
null, "title", "title", 1124275658), new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(
null, 1, [new cljs.core.Keyword(null, "text", "text", 1017460895),
"Fruits sold in First Quarter"
], null), new cljs.core.Keyword(null, "data", "data", 1016980252),
new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 1, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector
.EMPTY_NODE, [new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(null, 2, [new cljs.core
.Keyword(null, "type", "type", 1017479852), "column", new cljs
.core.Keyword(null, "dataPoints", "dataPoints", 2200126623),
new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 5, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector
.EMPTY_NODE, [new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.fromArray([
new cljs.core.Keyword(null, "label", "label",
1116631654), "banana", cljs.user.y_COLON_, 18
], true, false), new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.fromArray(
[new cljs.core.Keyword(null, "label", "label",
1116631654), "orange", cljs.user.y_COLON_, 29], true,
false), new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.fromArray([new cljs
.core.Keyword(null, "label", "label", 1116631654),
"apple", cljs.user.y_COLON_, 40
], true, false), new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.fromArray(
[new cljs.core.Keyword(null, "label", "label",
1116631654), "mango", cljs.user.y_COLON_, 34], true,
false), new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.fromArray([new cljs
.core.Keyword(null, "label", "label", 1116631654),
"grape", cljs.user.y_COLON_, 24
], true, false)], null)
], null)], null)
], null))))
You could also use the #js tagged literal and create straightforward js data (even if it looks uglier):
(def chart (js/CanvasJS.Chart. "chartContainer" #js{
:title #js{:text "Fruits sold in First Quarter"}
:data #js[#js{:type "column"