If I have a class entity having more than 1 PK, should I use identifier class or embeddable class (or is it the same)?
I am having problems dealing with the @RooJavaBean
class with more than 1 @Id
// other Roo Entity Annotation
class EntityTable {
@Id @Column(name="fk_entity_sub_one")
private Integer fkPkOne;
@Id @Column(name="fk_entity_sub_one")
private Integer fkPkTwo;
Note: I used primitive data-type object instead of the entity object because I don't need to a return map. (Did I have the right idea to save memory upon entity loading?)
Try this commands:
entity jpa --class ~.domain.EntityTable --identifierType ~.domain.EntityTablePk --entityName EntityTable --identifierField myPk --table TABLE field number --fieldName fkPkOne --type java.lang.Integer --column fk_entity_sub_one --class ~.domain.EntityTablePk field number --fieldName fkPkTwo --type java.lang.Integer --column fk_entity_sub_two --class ~.domain.EntityTablePk
And look at JPA Documentation