I have a problem with traversing through a weighted adjacency matrix with Java. What I'm trying to do is get the weight of the minimum spanning tree from the matrix, using Prim's algorithm.
The code I have so far is the following:
public int findPrim(int[][] matrix) {
ArrayList < Integer > checkThese = new ArrayList < > ();
checkThese.add(0); //Starting vertex.
boolean[] checked = new boolean[graph.vertexCount()];
int w = 0;
int column = 0;
int row = 0;
int smallest = 0;
for (Iterator < Integer > it = checkThese.Iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
smallest = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int k = 0; k < graph.vertexCount(); k++) {
if ((matrix[r][k] < smallest) && matrix[r][k] != 0 && !checked[k - 1]) {
smallest = matrix[r][k];
column = k;
if (smallest != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
w += smallest;
checked[column] = true;
return w;
I know how traversing through the matrix is supposed to work on paper, but I'm having a problem with the implementation. More specifically, since I need to update checkThese
while iterating through the list, I understand that I need to use an iterator for it, like I've tried doing. However, now the problem is that I can't figure out a way to get the r
coordinate for the matrix, which I need later on. The method is missing a couple of other things too, but my main concern is how I can traverse through the matrix while updating the list of matrix rows I'm checking.
My adjacency matrix is in the form of
A 0 4 2 8 0
B 0 0 5 6 7
C 0 0 0 9 3
D 0 0 0 0 1
E 0 0 0 0 0
The plan is to start with row A
and choose the smallest edge (2). After that I would exclude column C
from consideration, and next check rows A
and C
and so forth until I've excluded all columns, thus checking all the edges.
You need another nested loop to get it to work the way that you've indicated. Here's the corrected pseudocode.
let n be the number of vertices
initialize cost <- 0
initialize checkThese <- [0]
initialize checked <- [true, false, ..., false] (length n)
repeat n - 1 times (alternatively, test for termination as indicated)
smallest <- infinity
argSmallest <- null
for v in checkThese
for w from 0 to n - 1
let cost = matrix[min(v, w)][max(v, w)]
if not checked[w] and cost < smallest then
smallest <- cost
argSmallest <- w
end if
end for
end for
(break here if argSmallest is null)
cost <- cost + smallest
add argSmallest to checkThese
checked[argSmallest] <- true
end repeat
This is not an especially efficient realization of Prim's algorithm. To speed it up from O(n^3) to O(n^2), the asymptotic optimum for dense matrices, you can maintain another n-element array of integers, call it minCost
. The entry at index w
is the minimum cost of an edge from a checked vertex to w
. The revised pseudocode looks like this.
let n be the number of vertices
initialize cost <- 0
initialize checked <- [true, false, ..., false] (length n)
initialize minCost <- [0, infinity, ..., infinity] (length n)
repeat n - 1 times (alternatively, test for termination as indicated)
smallest <- infinity
argSmallest <- null
for w from 0 to n - 1
if not checked[w] and minCost[w] < smallest then
smallest <- minCost[w]
argSmallest <- w
end if
end for
(break here if argSmallest is null)
cost <- cost + smallest
checked[argSmallest] <- true
minCost[argSmallest] <- 0
for v from 0 to n - 1
let cost = matrix[min(argSmallest, v)][max(argSmallest, v)]
if not checked[v] and cost < minCost[v] then
minCost[v] <- cost
end if
end for
end repeat
If all of the edge costs are positive, then you can replace the test checked[w]
with minCost[w] > 0
and do away with the checked
array. You also could fuse the two loops.