I'm wishing to switch from using the AngularJS ngRoute module to the ui-router module framework. My app is using the $locationProvider.html5Mode
and to prevent deep linking from giving a 404 I had installed the connect-modrewrite
node module ( from https://www.npmjs.org/package/connect-modrewrite) and added it to the Grunt file provided by the AngularJS Yeoman Generator, like so:
// Yeoman's Gruntfile.js
// placed outside the module.exports function.
var modRewrite = require('connect-modrewrite');
// modify the server config and add our modRewrite middleware.
livereload: {
options: {
middleware: function (connect) {
return [
'!\\.html|\\.js|\\.css|\\.png$ /index.html [L]'
mountFolder(connect, '.tmp'),
mountFolder(connect, yeomanConfig.app)
This was great but now I have switched to using the ui-router module framework should I deep link to (for example) http://myapp.com:9000/products I get the response:
Cannot GET /products
Obviously when I go to the home/default page and click a link to http://myapp.com:9000/products everything is fine and dandy. Has anyone modified their grunt file so they can use html5mode and ui-router with the AngularJS Yeoman generator? Thanks in advance.
Whoa! My bad... I include the livereload
in the wrong Grunt task! Problem solved...