How can I import a javascript AMD module into a external TypeScript module?
I'm modularizing my client TypeScript program to use AMD modules managed by bower. As part of this process, a Typescript module becomes a javascript AMD module, which I then publish. Now I have a javascript AMD module that I want to include in a TypeScript module, and I don't want to publish the original TypeScript with the javascript AMD.
I cannot figure out how to write my TypeScript code so that it will load a javascript AMD module for which there is no corresponding TypeScript, and it appears that the most recent versions of TypeScript don't support this yet.
If I start with the example from the 0.9.7 TypeScript specification, section 11.2:
File main.ts:
import log = require("./log");
File log.ts:
export function message(s: string) {
I believe I should be able to modify main.ts so that the compiler resolves the "log" reference to the log.js AMD module. Below is the log.js file that was produced by running tsc --module amd main.ts. It is a correct AMD module.
File log.js:
define(["require", "exports"], function(require, exports) {
function message(s) {
exports.message = message;
To simulate having a javascript AMD module, compile the above example, and then delete the log.ts file. If you now try to compile using the same command, it fails with the following errors:
./main.ts(1,1): error TS2071: Unable to resolve external module '"./log"'.
./main.ts(1,1): error TS2072: Module cannot be aliased to a non-module type.
How can I now modify main.ts so it compiles and resolves against this log.js AMD module? I can write log.d.ts file if I have to, but would like a method that also works without a declaration file.
If I can learn how to do this in the canonical TypeScript Way, then I can continue the complete modularization of my project.
How can I now modify main.ts so I can load and use this log.js AMD module?
If you only the log.js available you can tell typescript about the type information from log
using declare
i.e. create a log.d.ts
declare module 'log'{
export function message(s:string);
And then use it from main.ts as :
/// <reference path='log.d.ts'/>
import log = require('log');