Given below is my text inside a text file:
<TITLE>Yacare Ibera</TITLE>
<DESCRIPTION>an alligator in the water;</DESCRIPTION>
<LOCATION>Corrientes, Argentina</LOCATION>
<DATE>August 2002</DATE>
How to split the words inside it a store in a single variable, like
x = 'annotations' '1515.eng' 'Yacare'
...and so on?
So you have two steps. First is to extract string between tags. Second is to split the extracted string using delimiters. I assume that the delimiters are /
and (space). I also assume that your string is loaded from some file using
% load string from a file
STR = importdata('testin');
% extract string between tags
B = regexprep(STR, '<.*?>','');
% split each string by delimiters and add to C
C = [];
for i=1:length(B)
if ~isempty(B{i})
C = [C strsplit(B{i}, {'/', ' '})];