I'm reading data from a KV store (Redis) in this case. The data returned is in the following format.
{ "key1":"value1", "key2":"value2", "key3":"value3" ...}
Key is String
and value is Int
. I want to convert it into a Map[String,Int]
I looked at the json4s JSON API and my current code looks like the following. Is there a better/easier/cleaner way of doing this?
//send a async query to Redis to
val queryFuture = redis.zrangebyscore[String](tablename, keymin, keymax )
queryFuture.onComplete {
case Success(datarows) =>
println(s"Got %d rows of type %s for the query successfully".format(datarows.length))
val jsonrows = for { x <- datarows.toList }
yield parse(x)
println("Got json rows %d".format(jsonrows.size))
val mapdata = jsonrows.map(x => x.extract[Map[String,String]]).map( x => x.mapValues(_.toInt))
//need to do something with this data now
case Failure(y) =>
println(s" there was some failure in getting the data from Redis")
Your Json4s solution looks fine. Alternatively you can use mapField
to transform the fields of a JObject
and after that extract value of type Map[String, Int]
val json1 = parse(
| "key1": "1024",
| "key2": "2048",
| "key3": "4096"
val json2 = json1.mapField {
case (key, JString(value)) => (key, JInt(value.toInt))
case x => x
val res = json2.extract[Map[String, Int]]
// Map(key1 -> 1024, key2 -> 2048, key3 -> 4096)