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Curious to know why my Createjs with Mousetrap is going slow. (jsfiddle provided)

I'm working with the new createjs, and they've removed flip and addflipframes. Apparently scaleX=-1 is suppose to be faster but now I get a weird lag when I want to move my character left and right. I'm just hoping that I've coded my movement functions faulty, or if its just mousetrap.js not being friendly with create.js This is the jsFiddle with the test game. I'm just learning on how to use the new system.

These are my mousetrap bindings:

Mousetrap.bind('a', function(){moveLeft();}, 'keydown');
Mousetrap.bind('d', function(){moveRight();}, 'keydown');

these are my functions for movement:

function moveRight(){
    var speed = 20;
    sayaka.x += speed;
    sayaka.scaleX= 1;

function moveLeft(){
    var speed = 20;
    sayaka.x -= speed;
    sayaka.scaleX= -1;

I guess it would be good if I showed how I made my sprite, which has 8 frames to it.

var dataSayaka = {
    images: [""],
    frames: {width:133, height:139, regX: 50, regY:50},
    animations: {runRight:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, "runRight"]}

var spriteSheetSayaka = new createjs.SpriteSheet(dataSayaka);
var animationSayaka   = new createjs.Sprite(spriteSheetSayaka, "runRight");
sayaka = new createjs.Sprite(spriteSheetSayaka, animationSayaka);

I'm open to any suggestions and criticism as I would love to know how to increase the movement performance.

I have tried to use native Javascript key events to move my character, however the effect was the same. It's weird how the character lags when I move left and right.


  • If you are referring to the delay between scaleX=-1/1 and the x-movement: This has nothing to do with CreateJS(or any other JS framework) this is the way of browsers dispatching keydown events.

    Try for example pressing a key in a text-input, you will notice that at first the character you pressed will appear immediatly, but only after a delay of a couple milliseconds the pressed key will cause additional characters to appear. This is to prevent the system from accidentally typing a character multiple times when the used only intended to type just one character.

    Solution: To solve this, just set a flag whenever a certain key is keydown and unset the flag on keyup. For example you can use a global object pressedKeys and whenever a is pressed you set pressedKeys.a = true; and onkeyUp -> pressedKeys.a = false; then in your handleTick you check if a or d is set to true and call the according method moveRight/moveLeft if so.