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Graphics does not draw GraphicsPath with Line

I have a Windows Forms app where I add different figures(rectangles, circles, etc.) to the main form. The figure is a UserControl and it's shape I define with GraphicsPath. Method for adding new figure:

 void AddElement(ShapeType shape, string guid)
        Shape newShape = new Shape();
        newShape.Name = guid;
        newShape.Size = new Size(100, 100);           
        newShape.Type = shape;
        newShape.Location = new Point(100, 100);

        newShape.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(Shape_MouseDown);
        newShape.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(Shape_MouseMove);
        newShape.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(Shape_MouseUp);
        newShape.BackColor = this.BackColor;


In Shape (Figure) class:

 private ShapeType shape;
 private GraphicsPath path = null;
 public ShapeType Type
        get { return shape; }
            shape = value;

 private void DrawElement()
        path = new GraphicsPath();
        switch (shape)
            case ShapeType.Rectangle:

            case ShapeType.Circle:

            case ShapeType.Line:
        this.Region = new Region(path);

protected override void OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
        if (path != null)
            e.Graphics.DrawPath(new Pen(Color.Black, 4), path);

When resizing the figure, I redraw It:

 protected override void OnResize(System.EventArgs e)

Everything works fine when I add shapes like rectangle and circle. But when I choose Line, nothing appears on my form. The breakpoint shows that the programs steps in all the methods and this.Controls.Add(newShape); as well.

I do not understand why this is not working. I'd appreciate any advice.


  • You can draw an open GraphicsPath with a thin or a thick Pen. But a region must be set from a closed shape or else there is no place where your pixels could show up. This will help to keep your region intact; but you need to know, just what you want it to be:

    if (shape != ShapeType.Line)   this.Region = new Region(path);

    If you want it to be something like a thick line you must create a polygon or a series of lines to outline the shape you want. And if you want your line to be inside that region you will need two paths: one closed polygon path to set the region and one open line path to draw the line inside the region.

    Edit: The best way to create the closed path is probably to use the Widen() method with the Pen you are using like this:

    GraphicsPath path2 = ..

    This would get the thickness right as well as the line caps and also work for more complicated polylines; I haven't tried it though..