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Why are my variables not incrementing?

I'm writing a small poker application in C and I have counters for the number of flushes, straights, etc.

Main function:

int main(void) {

    int i, j;
    int numHands = 0;
    int flushCount = 0;
    int straightCount = 0;
    int xOfAKindCount = 0;
    int straightFlushCount = 0;
    int fullHouseCount = 0;
    int isTwoPairCount = 0;

    card deck[DECKSZ] = {0};
    card hand[HAND_SIZE] = {0};

    stack deckStack = {0};
    stack handStack = {0};


    for (i = 0; i < DECKSZ; i++) {
        push(deck[i], &deckStack);

    do {
        for (i = 0; i < HAND_SIZE; i++) {
            push(pop(&deckStack), &handStack);
            if (isEmpty(&deckStack)) {
                for (j = 0; j < DECKSZ; j++) {
                    push(deck[j], &deckStack);
            hand[i] = handStack.s[i];

        numHands += 1;

        flushCount += isFlush(hand);
        straightCount += isStraight(hand);
        xOfAKindCount += isXOfAKind(hand, 2, 0);
        straightFlushCount += isStraightFlush(hand);
        fullHouseCount += isFullHouse(hand);
        isTwoPairCount += isTwoPair(hand);

        printf("Flushes:%d Straights:%d SF's:%d Number of Hands:%d\r",
            flushCount, straightCount, straightFlushCount, numHands);
    } while (1);


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

My function for the number of flushes:

int isFlush(card hand[]) {
    int i, count = 0, result = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < HAND_SIZE-1; i++) {
        if (hand[i].suits != hand[i+1].suits) {
    if (count == HAND_SIZE)
        result = 1;
    return result;

When I run the program, the code in the do...while loop is supposed to infinitely loop. For every hand popped off the stack, I want to calculate if it is a flush, straight, etc using functions like my isFlush() function here. The issue is these counters, such as numFlushes, remain at a value of zero. Does anybody know why the counters remain at zero, and how to fix that? Thanks!


  • The for loop in your isFlush function can at most increment the count HAND_SIZE-1 times. Since count starts at 0, it is never more than HAND_SIZE-1.

    One option is to start your count at 1, since the first card always counts as 1 towards your flush no matter what suit it is. Anther option is to compare count to HAND_SIZE-1 in your if statement. Then you can actually return a non-zero value from isFlush.

    BTW, if you step through the code with a debugger, you should easily see that your if condition is never met.