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ADT Integer class questions

I am pretty new to programming and I have to do an Abstract Data Type (ADT) for integer numbers.

I've browsed the web for some tips, examples, tutorials but i couldn't find anything usefull, so i hope i will get here some answers. I thinked a lot about how should i format the ADT that stores my integer and I'm thinking of something like this:

int lenght; // stores the length of the number(an limit since this numbers goes to infinite)
int[] digits; // stores the digits of my number, with the dimension equal to length

Now, I'm confused about how should i tackle the sign representation.Is it ok to hold the sign into an char something like: char sign?

But then comes the question what to do when I have to add and multiply two integers, what about the cases when i have overflows on this operations.

So , if some of you have some ideas about how should I represent the number(the format) and how should I do the multiply and add i would be very great full. I don't need any code, I i the learning stage just some ideas. Thank you.


  • One good way to do this is to store the sign as a bool (e.g. bool is_neg;). That way it's completely clear what that data means (vice with a char, where it's not entirely clear.

    You might want to store each digit in an unsigned short (or if you want to be precise about sign, uint16_t). Then, when you do a multiply of two digits, you can just multiply them as unsigned ints (uint32_t), and then the low 16 bits are your result and the overflow is in the high 16 bits. You can then add this to the result array fairly easily. You know that the multiplication of a n-bit number by a k-bit number is at most n + k bits long, so you can preallocate your array to that size and then worry about removing extra zeros later.

    Hope this helps, and let me know if you want more tips.