I am trying to validate a form which returns the result (stored in a double) as -1.#IND (which I have been informed is infinity minus one?) How can I trap this error?
-- Background info: The form captures data about a real world object (with 100s of parameters), does a calculation which is handled by a service which returns a result via a 'result' object. The calculation service is doing several calculations which are stored as doubles in the object. There are 6 results returned by the service. The results should fall in the range 0-100. I assume that a divide by zero has occurred somewhere in the calculation which results in the condition mentioned but would like to trap this condition to provide a more specific error message.
Note: I do not have access to the calculation service code.
At the moment I just want to test (pseudo code):
If myRating.value = -1.#IND Then
ReportError("Divide by zero occurred somewhere in the calc")
End if
Depending on how this is actually represented, you should be able to use Double.IsNaN or Double.IsNegativeInfinity to test for not-a-number and negative infinity representations from Visual Basic.