I have a page with four fields on it A B C and D. These each have their own conditional logic which decides whether they should be shown or hidden. When a user reaches this page and, say, field B is displayed while the others are hidden, and the user enters something into field B and clicks Next, they receive:
There was a problem with your submission. Errors have been highlighted below.
But field B is not highlighted as it was validated just fine. Viewing the source, however, I find that fields A C and D are displaying the This field is required. validation error. But these fields are hidden...
I have tried changing themes to stock WP 2014 and deactivating all other plugins, this does not resolve the issue. I am running the latest WP and GF. What could possibly be the issue? I've contacted GF's priority support and have not received a response. Any help would be much appreciated.
It's not perfect but I ended up hooking into gform_validation
to manually validate the affected fields.