The function MethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod
requires that you pass an array of types that correspond to the type parameters. I'm in a scenario where the type signature is non-trivial and not known until run-time. I only have the types of the arguments to the functino.
So for example here is a function signature:
static IArray<U> Map<T, U>(IArray<T> xs, Func<T, U> fxn) { ... }
I have two arguments of types t1 (e.g. IArray) and t2 (e.g. Func) known only at run-time. I want to leverage the C# type-inference algorithms at run-time, e.g. to compute T and U from t1 and t2.
MethodInfo MakeGenericMethodUsingInference(MethodInfo mi, Type t1, Type t2) {
var typeArg1 = ??;
var typeArg2 = ??;
return mi.MakeGenericMethod(typeArg1, typeArg2);
For now I have a manual work-around that does a good enough job for my needs, but it feels like there must be a better way:
public class TypeArgumentInferenceEngine
public Dictionary<Type, Type> ParameterToConcrete = new Dictionary<Type, Type>();
public void MatchTypes(Type concrete, Type generic)
if (generic.IsGenericParameter)
if (ParameterToConcrete.ContainsKey(generic))
var tmp = ParameterToConcrete[generic];
if (!tmp.Equals(concrete))
throw new Exception(String.Format("Template parameter {0} is inconsistent between {1} and {2}", generic, concrete, tmp));
ParameterToConcrete.Add(generic, concrete);
else if (generic.IsGenericType)
if (!concrete.IsGenericType)
throw new Exception("Expected generic concrete type");
var concreteTypeArgs = concrete.GetGenericArguments();
var genericTypeArgs = generic.GetGenericArguments();
if (concreteTypeArgs.Length != genericTypeArgs.Length)
throw new Exception("Mismatched number of generic argument types");
for (int i = 0; i < genericTypeArgs.Length; ++i)
MatchTypes(concreteTypeArgs[i], genericTypeArgs[i]);
public static Dictionary<Type, Type> InferTypeParameters(Type[] concreteTypes, Type[] genericTypes)
var engine = new TypeArgumentInferenceEngine();
int n = concreteTypes.Length;
if (n != genericTypes.Length) throw new ArgumentException("Both input arrays have to be the same size");
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
engine.MatchTypes(concreteTypes[i], genericTypes[i]);
foreach (var t in engine.ParameterToConcrete.Keys)
if (!t.IsGenericParameter)
throw new Exception("Expected a generic type parameter");
return engine.ParameterToConcrete;
public static MethodInfo MakeGenericMethodFromArgTypes(MethodInfo mi, params Type[] argTypes)
if (!mi.IsGenericMethodDefinition)
return mi;
var typeParams = mi.GetGenericArguments();
var paramTypes = mi.GetParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType).ToArray();
var typeLookup = InferTypeParameters(argTypes, paramTypes);
var typeArgs = new List<Type>();
foreach (var p in typeParams)
if (!typeLookup.ContainsKey(p))
throw new Exception(String.Format("Type parameter {0} is not bound: ", p));
return mi.MakeGenericMethod(typeArgs.ToArray());
public static void TestTypeDeduction()
var t1 = typeof(IArray<int>);
var t2 = typeof(Func<int, bool>);
// Map has the type "Func<IArray<T> xs, Func<T, U>, IArray<U>>"
var genericMethod = typeof(Ops).GetMethod("Map");
var concreteMethod = TypeArgumentInferenceEngine.MakeGenericMethodFromArgTypes(genericMethod, t1, t2);
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1} => {2}", t1, t2, concreteMethod.ReturnType);
//var nonGenericMethod = genericMethod.MakeGenericMethod(typeArgs.ToArray());