I am trying to write a function for my real mode operating system that will dump memory. I want the byte 0x0a to show up as '0A', 0xf3 to show up as 'F3' and so on and so forth. The code I wrote uses a table that consists of '0123456789ABCDEF', and uses the individual nibble as an offset to find the right character. First it saves the value, which is in al
. Next it shifts al
right by 4, removing the lower nibble and moving the higher nibble down. It then load the table into di
, and zeros out ah
. Next, it adds ax
to di
to find the offset. It then moves the value at di
into al, and prints it. It then follows the same steps except that it then uses the low nibble instead of the high nibble. However, when I run it, it only prints out '33' repeatedly, instead of the actual hex numbers. Here is my code:
mov si, 0x7000 ;load si
mov al, [si] ;put the value at si into al
call printhex ;call the hex printer
inc si ;increment si
cmp si, 0x7CFF ;are we done?
je done ;yes, return
jmp loop ;loop
mov al, bl ;save al
shr al, 4 ;remove the lower nibble and move the higher nibble down
mov di,hexbuffer ;put the hexadecimal buffer in di
xor ah, ah ;remove everything from ah
add di, ax ;add the address to the buffer
mov al, [di] ;move the ascii char into al
mov ah, 0x0E ;teletype printing for int 0x10
int 0x10 ;print the character
mov bl, al ;reload al
shl al, 4 ;remove the high nibble
shr al, 4 ;move the new high nibble down
mov di, hexbuffer ;reload the buffer
xor ah, ah ;zero out ah
add di, ax ;add the offset
mov al, [di] ;transfer the ascii char
mov ah, 0x0E ;teletype printing for int 0x10
int 0x10 ;print the char
mov al, ' ' ;now print a space
int 0x10 ;print the space
ret ;return
ret ;return to kernel
hexbuffer db '0123456789ABCDEF'
What is the problem with it? Thank you in advance.
One problem is that the mov al, bl; save al
and the mov bl, al ; reload al
have the operands reversed.
If you are already writing your so-called operating system, you should be familiar with a debugger so you can fix your own mistakes.