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Getting customized Bitly links' analytics (for a particular user)

I had this pressing requirement. We are using bitly as the url-shortening and links analysis part for our project, and we were facing this requirement of being able to view analytics(as shown in bitly dashboard) for only user having 'a'/'one of the' particular username(s).

Do you know a way if bitly supports this.

so my link -

is clicked by user 'A' group users 10 times and by 'B' group users 5 times.

right now I can view the analytics for all the clicks (A + B user groups) for a single particular link.

I want to be able to view the bitly analytics for the 'A' group users and for the 'B' group users separately. Do you now of any way bitly can let me achieve this using their dev API ?


  • The only way to do this would be to create two unique links and send them to groups A and B separately. Our API does not allow you to distinguish individual users clicking through a given link.

    If you use Google Analytics-style utm parameters to create two unique links pointing to the same place, all the clicks will also be rolled up into the same aggregate count for that URL.