i'm trying to serialaze and deserialize an object to store it in mapDb.
I managed to serialize the Object using this snippet:
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream os = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
result = bos.toString();
after that I stored "result" in mapDb. everything seemed to work like a charm.
Unfortunately I run in some issues while trying to deserialize it.
Here the snippet:
byte[] b = null;
b = str.getBytes();
InputStream ac = new ByteArrayInputStream(b);
Object a= ac.read();
str is the serialized object coming from mapDB treated as a string. After that i "casted" it as a byteArray. I used this approach because I had some issues while fetching data from mapDb as Objects.
So, I'm asking you, how can I fix this problem. Beacuse Object "a" is an instance of java.lang.Integer, instead of the class desired, so deselrialization isn't working.
MapDB has build-in serialization, is that working?