I am attempting to use Selenium code with F#, I am also using the canopy wrapper. Canopy uses Selenium to make some of it's calls.
My issue is I am struggling to covert Selenium code from Java, C# into an F# format, there doesn't seem to be much help on the internet.
Is anyone able to shed some light on basic conversions. For example in JavaScript the code to get the title of the webpage is
driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {
console.log('Page title is: ' + title);
F# doesn't seem to recognize the call 'driver'. Does anyone have any advice or samples they are able to share.
Thanks in advance.
canopy has support for title built in
will return the title
The equivalent of driver in canopy is browser, which gives you the current active browser/driver.
To write the same code you have in f# it would be
printfn "Page title is: %s" title()