I have created the sample application with OSGI. I have deployed in the Apache Ace. It is in the apache-ace-1.0.0-bin\server-allinone\store
path. How can I test/view the application?
For eg: http://localhost:8080/test/index.jsp
How can I proceed after this? How can I Test the application?
Any help is highly appreciated.
Judging from the screenshot you've posted you have been following the "user guide" on the Apache ACE website: http://ace.apache.org/user-doc/user-guide.html
As soon as you've setup artifacts, features, distributions and a target, the next step is to actually run a target so the artifacts will be deployed to it. That part is described in the same document starting here: http://ace.apache.org/user-doc/user-guide.html#running-a-target
Once you have deployed your application succesfully, it should be active. Judging from the URL you post in your question, you have created some kind of web application. Remember that ACE itself runs on port 8080 by default, so that might be why you don't see your application running, but to better answer your question, you need to be more specific about the steps you took, what you expected and what actually happened.