<g:javascript library='jquery' />
<r:layoutResources />
<script type="text/javascript">
function getGroupsDetails(){
var selectedGroup = jQuery("#group").val();
if(selectedGroup != "")
${remoteFunction (controller: 'groups', action: 'details', params: '\'groupId=\' + selectedGroup', update: 'details')}
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4">
<strong>By Group Name :</strong>
<g:select id="groups" name="groupName" from="${Groups.list()}" value="${groupsInstance?.id}" noSelection="['':'-Select-']" optionKey="id" onChange="getGroupsDetails();" />
<div id="details"></div>
The details action is as follows
def details(){
println "in details"
def groupIns = Groups.get(params.id)
println groupIns.id
render(template: "details", model: [groupIns: groupIns])
Now its entering into the javascript as well as the details controller. In the controller i printed the id also. but in gsp it shows nothing...
Include toString in your class. when object print our tostring return gname
class Groups {
String gowner
String gname
int devicenum
static constraints = {
String toString() {
In select no need to list.gname(), because we include toString().In the following, When we select group , it call the javascript function that will call the action that update the particular div.I am doing in ajax.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<g:javascript library='jquery' />
<r:layoutResources />
<script type="text/javascript">
function getGroupDetails(){
alert("Function calling");
var selectedGroup = jQuery("#group").val();
if(selectedGroup != "")
${remoteFunction (controller: 'group', action: 'details', params: '\'groupId=\' + selectedGroup', update: 'details')}
<g:select id="group" name="groupName" from="${Groups.list()}"
value="${groupInstance?.id}" noSelection="['':'-Select-']" optionKey="id"
onChange="getGroupDetails();" />
<div id="details"></div>
controller action:
def details(){
println params.groupId
def groupIns = Group.get(params.groupId)
render(template: "details", model: [groupIns: groupIns])