I'm trying to write a title to a file but this will be read by another program which is looking for 80 bytes. How can I write a string of size 80 bytes that may contain a small amount of characters such as "box"?
what i've tried:
const char* title;
GetAttribute(model,"title of attar",&title); //args 2 & 3 must be char *, char **
char newtitle[80];
I also tried writing just the title...
and padding with white space after for the remaining bytes, but the spaces cause issues later on in the program thanks for the suggestions
You probably want to pad it with 0 bytes. Fill your newtitle buffer with zeroes before copying the string into it, then write that buffer to the file:
char newtitle[80];
memset(newtitle, '\0', 80);
strncpy(newtitle, title, 80);
fwrite(newtitle, sizeof(char), 80, fp);
You can pass whatever ASCII character you want into memset(), to pad it with. But with binary files you'll generally use '\0'