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How to find most-correlated X for each Y?

I have a query I can run, which produces rows like this:

 ID | category | property_A | property_B
  1 |        X |       tall |        old
  2 |        X |      short |        old
  3 |        X |       tall |        old
  4 |        X |      short |      young
  5 |        Y |      short |        old
  6 |        Y |      short |        old
  7 |        Y |       tall |        old

I'd like to find, for each category and property_B, what is the most common property_A, and put that into another table somewhere for later use. So here I'd like to know that in category X, old people tend to be tall and young people short, while in category Y, old people tend to be short.

The domain of each column is finite, and not too large - there are something like 200 categories, and a dozen or so of property_A and property_B. So I could write a dumb script on my client, which queries the database 200*12*12 times doing a limited query, but that seems like it must be the wrong approach, as well as wasteful given that it's expensive to produce this table and then throw most of it away.

But I don't even know what words to look up to find the right approach: "sql find correlated rows" shows how to find integer correlations, but I'm not interested in integers. So what do I do instead?


  • I suggest a combination of GROUP BY and DISTINCT ON, which is faster / simpler / more elegant in Postgres:

    SELECT DISTINCT ON (category, property_b)
           category, property_b, property_a, count(*) AS ct
    FROM   tbl
    GROUP  BY category, property_b, property_a
    ORDER  BY category, property_b, ct DESC;


    category | property_b | property_a | ct
    X        | old        | tall       | 2
    X        | young      | short      | 1
    Y        | old        | short      | 2

    If multiple peers tie for the most common value, only one arbitrary pick is returned.

    This works in a single query level without subquery, since aggregation (GROUP BY) is applied before the DISTINCT step. Detailed explanation for DISTINCT ON:
    Select first row in each GROUP BY group?

    SQL Fiddle.