I'm writing a PHP script that archives a selected directory and all its sub-folders. The code works fine, however, I'm running into a small problem with the structure of my archived file.
Imagine the script is located in var/app/current/example/two/ and that it wants to backup everything plus its sub directories starting at var/app/current
When I run the script it creates an archive with the following structure:
Now I was wondering how:
a) How can I remove the /var/app/current/ folders so that the root directory of the archive starts beyond the folder current, creating the following structure:
b) Why & how can I get rid of the "/" before the folder var?
//Create ZIP file
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$tmpzip = realpath(dirname(__FILE__))."/".substr(md5(TIME_NOW), 0, 10).random_str(54).".zip";
//If ZIP failed
if($zip->open($tmpzip,ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)!== TRUE)
$status = "0";
//Fetch all files from directory
$basepath = getcwd(); // var/app/current/example/two
$basepath = str_replace("/example/two", "", $basepath); // var/app/current
$dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($basepath);
//Loop through each file
foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir) as $files => $file)
if(($file->getBasename() !== ".") && ($file->getBasename() !== ".."))
$zip->addFile(realpath($file), $file);
You should try with:
$zip->addFile(realpath($file), str_replace("/var/app/current/","",$file));