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Use of ESAPI getValidInput method

I was not able to use the of method present under ESAPI class'

    java.lang.String getValidInput(java.lang.String context,
                                  java.lang.String input,
                                  java.lang.String type,
                                  int maxLength,
                                  boolean allowNull)
                                      throws ValidationException,

         type - The regular expression name that maps to the actual regular expression from "". 

How to pass parameter type from file? Any example to use properties file value from which I can refer?


  • Here's an example call where I'm validating the "to" address field:

    validator.getValidInput("toAddress",, "Email", Email.MAX_ADDRESS_SIZE, true)

    ESAPI assumes you're using an IDE or have access to the direct source. If you're using Eclipse, just mouse-hover over the method name, and the parameter types will be displayed.


    Here's the rip directly from the javadoc:

         * Returns canonicalized and validated input as a String. Invalid input will generate a descriptive ValidationException,
         * and input that is clearly an attack will generate a descriptive IntrusionException.
         * @param context
         *      A descriptive name of the parameter that you are validating (e.g., LoginPage_UsernameField). This value is used by any logging or error handling that is done with respect to the value passed in.
         * @param input
         *      The actual user input data to validate.
         * @param type
         *      The regular expression name that maps to the actual regular expression from "".
         * @param maxLength
         *      The maximum post-canonicalized String length allowed.
         * @param allowNull
         *      If allowNull is true then an input that is NULL or an empty string will be legal. If allowNull is false then NULL or an empty String will throw a ValidationException.
         * @return The canonicalized user input.
         * @throws ValidationException
         * @throws IntrusionException